Surprising problems because of missing teeth

24 Mar, 2022

Surprising problems because of missing teeth

Tooth loss is often caused by tooth decay or trauma. Although it can be corrected with restorative options like dental implants, bridges and dentures,

  • Missing tooth can cause the remaining teeth to spread towards the empty space.
  • According to the literature, 25% of people with missing teeth don’t feel comfortable with their smiles.
  • The skin on your face can sag.
  • Bacterial activity to increase after losing a tooth, which leads to further gum deterioration and potential tooth loss.
  • Having just one missing tooth can make eating difficult. Crispy foods can enter where teeth used to be and scratch the gums causing pain.
  • Difficulty in swallowing.
  • Missing teeth (or even large gaps between teeth) can make it difficult to pronounce certain words. You may experience slurring, whistling or even spitting when speaking.
  • Missing one or more teeth can cause bite irregularities that impact the health of your remaining teeth, your gums, your head and neck, your jaw muscles and your jaw joint (temporomandibular joint). An improper bite (malocclusion) can lead to a variety of problems, including things like headaches, muscle pain, unnatural wearing of the teeth, tooth loss, sensitivity.
  • 25% of people with missing teeth don’t feel comfortable with their smiles.
  • Increased risk for interdental cavities, or other dental problems.

Finally, consequences of tooth loss leads to  supra-eruption,  difficulty in mastication, tooth drifting, and facial collapse  (ann et al  2014).